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Table 3 Summary of coding framework with additional quotations

From: Decision-making regarding immediate vs. interval postpartum levonorgestrel intrauterine device insertion timing

Category and Domains



“I was leaving the hospital on birth control. You know, cause stuff does happen. So I felt comfortable knowing that I was on a birth control leaving.”

Complication rates

“I’ve never had an IUD before, um, I was… I mean, I was a little nervous about getting it. So yeah, [I chose the delayed IUD] to lessen my chances of [expulsion].”


“When I had got it done like the first time (an in-office IUD). I was cramping. I really couldn’t stand up straight. And then I had to walk with a hunch because it was really hurting. But [the immediate IUD], it was easy.”


“I brought up the IUD when I got asked questions about it. [My doctor] explained to me more about it and he kinda reassured me. He recommended the [delayed IUD] instead of the [immediate] one. So yeah, it just kinda went from there, basically.”

Focus on delivery

“It was nice that [my doctor] brought [the IUD] up. Cause at the time it wasn’t something you were thinking about. I was thinking about the baby coming into the world.”

Recovery time

“I think it probably woulda been better if [the IUD] woulda got put in…. after the fact I had the baby, the swelling had went down, and you know, everything come back to where it should be. I shoulda got it then.”

Availability of alternatives

“I would be 100% for getting my tubes tied, but my OB can’t get to them. So my other option that is 99% effective, almost 100%, is getting an [immediate] IUD where I don’t have to worry about things.”


“This one is a lot different and I feel a lot more positive about [the immediate IUD] and comfortable with it than the first one. So I’m so happy with it.”


“It was a little different than what I expected. And it was a little scary [when it expulsed]…”