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Table 1 Patient and Provider Questionnaire

From: Comparison of traditional anesthesia method and jet injector anesthesia method (MadaJet XL®) for Nexplanon® insertion and removal

Questions for patients

 PQ1. Before your procedure, were you worried that the procedure might be painful?

  1-Not at all worried

  2-Slightly worried

  3-Moderately worried

  4-Very worried

  5-Extremely worried

 PQ2. When you saw the needle (or jet injector device), did you become anxious?

  1-Not at all anxious at all

  2-Slightly anxious

  3-Moderately anxious

  4-Very anxious

  5-Extremely anxious

 PQ 3. Did you experience pain with the numbing injection?

  1-No pain at all

  2-Slight pain

  3-Moderate pain

  4-Very painful

  5-Extremely painful

 PQ4. Did you experience pain when the Nexplanon was inserted or removed?

  1-No pain at all

  2-Slight pain

  3-Moderate pain

  4-Very painful

  5-Extremely painful

Questions for doctors

 DQ1. Was the anesthesia method easy to use?

  1-Very difficult to use

  2-Difficult to use

  3-Fairly easy to use

  4-Easy to use

  5-Very easy to use

 DQ2. Did the patient experience discomfort with the lidocaine injection?

  1-No discomfort at all

  2-Slight discomfort

  3-Moderate discomfort

  4-Serious discomfort

  5-Extreme discomfort

 DQ3. Did the method of anesthesia provide adequate anesthesia for the placement or removal of the Nexplanon®?

  1-Very poor



